Monday, June 27, 2005

While we were already in Kentucky...

We checked out the distillers of one of the best Kentucky Bourbons that I have ever tasted...

Maker's Mark

Bung.... hehhehheh

They really do hand dip the bottles in that wax stuff!

Then, we dipped our own bottles.

Father & Son bonding moment...

This always cracks me up when driving to or from the Cincy Airport (located in Kentucky...)

Honest Abe's recreated cabin in a big granite box

Dad, Mom and Karyna are in town.

So, of course we have to do the touristy things...

The Lincoln Birthplace Memorial was on that list of stuff to see.

So, a fake log cabin inside a big granite building. This is what the house he was born inside is thought to have looked like. Well, other than the big building built around it. And the window might have had greased paper to keep the outside outside, and it would have been full of smoke from the fireplace without a chimney... Stuff like that.

So, there's a big hole in the ground that has water in it that our 16'th president might have drunk from from birth to age 2.

As Karyna describes it, "There's a big hole in the ground, with scum on it. And there's water coming out of the scum!"

She's my cutie!

and a heck of a photographer...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

More signs that my life rocks...

My job is very cool. I am borrowing a laptop and a projector tonight to show movies on a wall in our house. It seems that I can borrow anything as long as it will not be missed overnight. The Bossman wants to find some CFD software that we can run on our supercomputers between drug discovery runs to design stuff like exhaust headers for our cars. I drove around on my lawn-mower the other evening to make our grass shorter. Janey and I have some friends coming over tonight for some BBQ that we will be cooking on our (now working) new BBQ. While I do miss our families, moving to Ohio has been one of the better moves that Janey and I could make at this time in our lives.
