So, Janey and I got home today and the phone was ringing. I answered it and was subjected to a very interesting automated call. The
"One Man, One Woman" group has a 3 minute telephone call going out to different areas. I hope that their calling computer has limited capacity and by me listening to the entire call it reduced the number of other people that it annoys. They claim that by allowing same-sex marriages, we are doing away with hetero marriages. The spokesperson that recorded the message kept using "God Ordained Marriage between a man and a woman." While I do feel that marriage is being cheapened in this country, I feel that it is more due to the 15minute marriages that we hear about (Paging M(r)s. Spears) rather than 2 people who love each other and fight to get married who happen to be of the same gender. I would rather see 2 people who are kind and loving to each other be married than some low-life who is going to beat his wife/her husband meet up and get hitched.
So, as I waited out this 3 minutes of hate-speach, I did so thinking that I would be able to vote no. I desperately wanted a part of the call where I could leave a message. In vain, I know, but I wanted the chance. At the very least, this was 3 minutes of tieing up one of their lines so it could not make another call to another household.
People who would be part of a gay marriage, would not get married otherwise. So, Gay marriage = more marriage. Increasing the sanctity of marriage in my book. People no longer HAVE to live with each other out of wedlock. They CAN get married. To say that keeping a lid on gay marriage will reduce the number of gay couples is just sticking your head in the sand. People will live a life that makes them happy (or at least gives them a chance to try to be happy).
I can't wait until the Libertarians finally bring a candidate who has a chance. I am sick and damn tired of the Religious Right and the Loony Left getting into it with each other. Where can a Financial Conservative/Social Liberal go?