About 5 years ago, my sister (Now a nurse) was in beauty school. She was learning haircuts at the time. I thought I'd be a nice guy and go in so she could cut my hair in class and get some credit. She did the top and sides just fine, but was spending a lot of time trimming in the back. I kept feeling more and more of a draft on the back of my head. I started to get really worried when I noticed her classmates walking by slowly and looking at me funny. I got very very nervous when her teacher walked up and stopped and my sis turned to her and said "It's my brother" and the teacher looking releaved. That was one of the worst haircuts I had ever had. Until today, it was the worst.
So, I'm sitting in this chair. The "barber" (You'll se the reason for the quotes in a minute) is trimming the top ok. The sides are getting a bit short, and she keeps on breaking out the clippers to even stuff up. The sides are getting closer and closer to the top. Now, hopefully I'm starting a job soon, and I sorta need to look presentable, so I finally say, "Just buzz it all off. Use the #4 guard." I have never said anything like that my entire life.
I have the fear. The fear that my head will be all lumpy and misshapen. So, she clippers it all off. I put on my hat and go home. Only to find out that she can't even do a buzz-job even. There's some long bits here and there.
I have a brilliant idea. I have a "Beard Buster". Sorta like clippers with a built on guard. You can adjust it to almost any length. I turn the dial to 4. I start in the middle. Oops. #4 on the beardbuster is not #4guard on a pair of good clippers.
It's not what I had in mind, but I like it.

New Haircut
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