Wednesday, December 01, 2004


So, after leaving Omaha on Saturday morning, we went to Janey's Cousin's house in Indiana, where we found a party still in full swing! Some relatives were over from Chicago and they were ooing and aahhing over some cloth rolls. Turns out that they have a contact in a Fabric mill that makes denim and kakhi for Levis and Tommy Pullmyfinger (Hillfiger). They had rolls of the stuff. So, we ended up with rolls of the stuff. Tanks goodness we took the truck. We brought back with us 6 rolls of denim and corduroy and lots of cut kakhi material. Some will be made into futon covers (For when we use the futons as couches) and some will be made into clothes. We hung out and had dinner on Sat night. We stayed up until all hours talking. Sunday morning, we had breakfast and then lunch, talking about gardening the whole time. Janey's cousin Roger likes to garden. We have had tomato soup base made from tomatoes out of their garden, apple bread, made from apples off of their trees. Pecans from their trees. Melons from their garden. You name it, they either grow it or have tried to grow it. Now we have catalogs of trees and fruits and vegitables all from seed or as 3-5' tall trees.

It was just a 3.5 hour drive back from Indiana to home in Ohio, so we did that sunday afternoon. Very nice weekend.

p.s. We found out later that Saturday afternnon it started to snow in Omaha. Looks like we left at the right time.

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