Saturday, January 08, 2005

Toys at work.

I love my job. This week more toys came in. Got this neat little flashlight buddy.

We keep getting more tool kits recently. We are also getting ready to build a few new PC's. The director of the department requested a new fast PC. He's going to end up with the second fastest PC that doesn't fall into our SuperComputer description. We have a couple of those. Like our 16 node SGI Altix 3000 system. Gotta love anything that has 16 CPUs all sharing one bank of RAM. Our new super computer should be in soon. It's a 40 node dual AMD Opteron setup with the 40 seperate motherboards connected on Infiniband (That's about 2x the speed of the standard FibreOptic networks. Should be around 4000bits/sec full duplex) and running a version of a Linux Beowolf cluster. We should be faster than anything in Ohio other than OSC's Cray.

I love my job.


cat said...

I'm glad that everything is going good for you. Congratulation. That picture is a flashlight?..... Cool

23r0 1m@g1n@t10n said...

Ya, It's a flashlight. It's a Mag-light Solitaire with a Niteize Flashlight friend kit.

It's fun to play with at work.