Thursday, November 11, 2004

Certainly a lot of weather we've been having lately...

For the past 2 weeks we have seen everywhere from 70 degrees and clear to 38 degrees and clear and 50-60 degrees and raining like mad. We woke up to a dark and gloomy day, but I felt better than I have in a couple of weeks because yesterday we bought a humidifier. For the past couple of weeks, I've been waking up all dry and parched. I plugged in the Humidifier and it said that we were at 21%!! No wonder I felt all dry and cracked and parched and Janey's been all kinds of itchy. The weather has been pretty mild compared to what it could be.

I really like it here. There are 2 things that I really don't like about Ohio. I don't like that our families are far away. I wish they were here with us. I also don't like the damn smoking in restaurants.

Rant on...

I hate it when I'm in the middle of a meal, and I'm really enjoying the flavors of whatever I'm eating, and some inconsiderate ass lights up in the middle of the non-smoking section (At least that's where we asked to be seated...) and starts puffing away. Now all I can taste is smoke, all I can smell is smoke. My food now has no meaning to me, and all I want to do is get out of there. I miss the whole no-smoking indoors thing in California.

rant off...

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