Thursday, November 11, 2004

I like going to museums...

Today was a holiday, so the Yates-Nebbler Fellowship (The one that pays Janey to go to school) had an event where we went to the "National Underground Railroad Freedom Center" We heard from the Dean of the Graduate school at UC. And also the Nebbler of the Yates-Nebbler Fellowship. Then we went on an abriviated tour of the center (Like any of the Smithsonian museums, this place would take a day to "See" everything, but even longer to learn most of the lessons held here...) that lasted around 90 minutes, then back to our meeting room so we could eat a catered meal. It was hors d'voers. Tasty stuff. Been a while since I had a sweedish meatball. Then back on a bus to head back to where we left the car. Very inspirational museum. I know another place that we are taking our out-of-town visitors.

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